Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Will Therapy Take?

There is no time limit when it comes to developing oneself. The types of changes that you are looking to make and the issues that you are attempting to work on, therapy can last a few sessions or for extended periods. Some even find it beneficial to make therapy a recurring part of lifelong growth.

What will therapy accomplish?

There are many advantages to therapy. Some of these include: obtaining a more complete understanding of oneself, figuring out life goals and prospects, improving personal relationships, developing coping skills, enhancing problem-solving abilities, making positive changes to problem behaviors, and boosting self-esteem.

When should I see a therapist?

If you are committed to making personal changes for greater life satisfaction, then you are ready to seek therapy. Many people believe that they need to be suffering from “mental illness” or serious “psychological problems” in order for therapy to be appropriate. This is not the case, anyone can benefit from therapy. Some even choose to come in for insight only.

Do you tell others what I say in therapy?

Basically, whatever you say in therapy, stays in therapy.? However, there are times when a therapist is legally obligated to break confidentiality:

  • Harm to self or others.? If a therapist believes that you are in imminent danger of hurting yourself or someone else, a family member, police or ambulance will be called to ensure safety.

  • A child under the age of 16 or older adult in care is in danger.? In these cases Family and Children’s Services or the police will be called.

  • Your files are subpoenaed by the court or by the College of Registered Psychotherapists.

  • A client experienced a health emergency during a session.? In this case, medical staff would be provided only with necessary information.? No information? about why a client is in therapy will be shared.